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Extended Information

Tequra Framework you to log a huge amount of extended information about a test process and display it in the report header

Execution Information

Serial NumberThe serial number of the UUT
Part NameThe part name/model for the UUT
Part NumberThe part number for the UUT
Part VersionThe specific version of the UUT
ManufacturerThe manufacturer of the UUT
Works Order NumberThe work order number to which the UUT belongs

UUT Information

NameThe project to which the UUT belongs
NameThe overall manufacturing process name
NameThe name of the operation/ test stage within the manu-facturing process
Serial NumberSerial Number for the test station
Part NameThe part name/model for the test station
Part NumberThe part number for the test station
Part VersionThe specific version of the test station part
ManufacturerThe manufacturer of the test station
NameThe part name/model for the test station
VersionThe version of the test soft-ware
LanguageThe language that the test software was authored in
Limits VersionThe version of test limits used by the test software
UsernameThe username of the test operator
Execution TypeThe type of execution. Valid values are “Debug”, “Diagnostics” or “Production”
Persist ResultsReserved for future use
Is PartialFlag to determine whether a run is a partial execution (also known as “Test Selection”).

Execution Attributes

Execution NoteA simple string which will appear in the “Execution Notes” table, including a timestamp of when the note was added.
EquipmentTest equipment details, including the ability to specify serial numbers and calibration dates. These items will appear in the “Equipment” table.
Child UnitChild Unit/Sub assembly information. For electronics testing this could include PCB components, power supplies etc. These items will appear in the UUT(s) table at the top of the report.
Related SoftwareRelated software information, this could be development environment versions, driver version etc. These items will appear in the “Related Software table”.
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